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World Swimsuit/Health and Beauty /Retinol – the anti-aging SUPER ingredient!


Retinol – the anti-aging SUPER ingredient!

Tired of your skin feeling dry and looking dull and wrinkly? Perhaps it is time to consider prejuvenation before it is too late? Have you ever thought of adding a Retinoid to your skincare regime?

Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A which speeds up the cell turnover in the skin, which is great as it improves fine lines, as well as smoothing of the skin texture. It also assists with pigmentation and acne.

Until the age of 30, the skin cell turnover is 28 days. As you get older the skin cell turnover slows down, causing the skin to look more dull, dry and wrinkled. That is where Retinoids come in handy!

There are different types of Retinoids with different strengths. It is important that every patient has a proper consultation with a skin therapist or Dermatologist before introducing Retinoids to your skin.

When using Retinol one must always remember to apply sunscreen daily. Your sunscreen must consist of a UVA and UVB filter as well as an SPF50.

Any form of Retinoids is an amazing asset to any skin type except for Rosacea patients. Welcome to the world of next-level anti-aging!!

By Mizanne Hofsink

For a free consultation with one of our therapists, please contact Cosmetic Dermatology Centre on 021 552 7220.

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