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World Swimsuit/News /Marc Jacobs Closes Out NYC Fashion Week With A Statement


Marc Jacobs Closes Out NYC Fashion Week With A Statement

As New York City Fashion Week came to a close Thursday afternoon Marc Jacobs took the runway and ended the eight day extravaganza with a bang. Season after season, Fashion Week boasts bold, somewhat over the top beauty and make-up trends. Most of the population would find the bedazzled eye-brows, red eyeshadow, and fake eye-lashes adorned with mini flowers unrealistic trends to adapt into their everyday lives. Yet, that’s what FW is all about, right? The appeal of FW for designers is to express themselves creatively and for attendees to see an unconventional show with crazy fashion trends. This is why FW attracts mostly other designers, celebrities, and other performers who are the most likely candidates to actually wear and implement what they see at FW either on the red carpet or on a concert stage. This year’s NYC FW held true to all the pop and circumstance that comes with your typical FW, that is until the last day.

Marc Jacobs took the runway for last day and while the fashion was still extreme, the models adorning the clothes were not. Karlie Kloss, Kendall Jenner, and Adriana Lima all took the runway for Marc Jacobs but you may not have recognized the models. Why? Because, all the models for Marc Jacobs were put in jet black wigs with heavy bangs and an above the shoulder bob. Also, and most importantly the models were wearing no make-up. That’s right, absolutely zero make-up, not even a dab of mascara. (Obviously, the models still looked absolutely stunning.) It was a bold move by Marc Jacobs, but in my opinion, long overdue. As an average, 20 something year old woman I don’t really follow FW for the very reason it’s fashion and beauty trends are extreme and not easily implemented into real life. However, seeing Marc Jacobs put models are the runway sans make-up was extremely refreshing and a trend all women could [and should] actually adopt in everyday life. It’s things like this that spark interest and generate talk for otherwise uninterested young women, who quite frankly face enough pressure from the media on what it means to be beautiful. Hopefully, other designers will take a lesson from Marc Jacobs and the following seasons will feature more organic fashion trends and statements. I guarantee the formerly uninterested young women will become interested. After all, fashion is about self-expression and encouraging women to be themselves. So why wouldn’t designers encourage woman to go without make-up  and embrace their bare canvas once in awhile. Can I get a #iloveme? 

        Left Karlie Kloss | Right Kendall Jenner

Written by Leah Wainwright

Images by Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images, Peter Michael Dills/Getty Images, and AP Photo/John Minchillo

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